All systems are operational

Past Incidents

Monday 27th March 2023

No incidents reported

Sunday 26th March 2023

No incidents reported

Saturday 25th March 2023

SEAKVM12 SEAKVM12 offline

SEAKVM12 is currently offline, we're investigating.

  • This server is now back online after a fix has been applied, we're closely watching it.

  • Friday 24th March 2023

    No incidents reported

    Thursday 23rd March 2023

    No incidents reported

    Wednesday 22nd March 2023

    SEAKVM14 SEAKVM14 offline

    SEAKVM14 is currently offline, we're investigating.

  • This server is now back online, we observed an error when the server went down so we have applied a potential fix for this.

  • Tuesday 21st March 2023

    No incidents reported