Some systems are experiencing issues

Stickied Incidents

Wednesday 18th September 2024

Seattle Network Seattle emergency network maintenance

We are currently performing a router OS update to resolve active network disruption issues - some packet loss may occur.

Past Incidents

Monday 29th May 2023

No incidents reported

Sunday 28th May 2023

No incidents reported

Saturday 27th May 2023

No incidents reported

Friday 26th May 2023

No incidents reported

Thursday 25th May 2023

DALWH1 Dallas network instability

One of our Dallas cabinets, RR322, suffered an outage earlier today at 09:52 BST / 08:52 UTC due to the primary switch rebooting. This affected WH1 (cPanel web hosting), DALSKVM1 (storage VPS) and some dedicated servers. We will be scheduling replacement of this switch in the coming days and will communicate this via email with those affected.

Wednesday 24th May 2023

No incidents reported

Tuesday 23rd May 2023

No incidents reported